Buy NowProfessional accreditation resources and services.

Reputation is a key driver in attracting quality faculty, staff and students, engaging alumni, and competing for grants and resources. There is no “silver bullet” solution to the competitive battle for status within the business school market. That’s why Academic Connections not only provides access to a database of business school influencers, but also specialized consulting services catered to your specific marketing communication goals.

Option A
Subscription Access

Cost: $ 2,500 annually
Annual Payment
One-year subscription with unlimited access to database and all blog posts.

Option B
Subscription Access

Cost: $ 250 monthly
Monthly Payment
One-year subscription with unlimited access to database and blog posts.

Option C
Printed Labels Only

Cost: 950 per printing
One-time use, no access to subscriber blog posts. Physical printed mailing labels. Various label sizes available. Shipped directly to you.

Academic Connections is a provider of validated and up-to-date AACSB membership contact lists.